• The Canadian Association of Professional Immigration Consultants (CAPIC)

    About Us Membership Find an Immigration Consultant

  • It is easy to stay up to date with CPD requirements with CAPIC.

    CAPIC is pleased to offer nearly 100 hours of CPD programming in the last CPD year (July 1’22 - June 30’23).
    Over 60 Seminar Bundle hours are available to CAPIC Members with $1 Seminar Bundle at no extra cost!

    Find Out More Apply

  • UPCOMING - Wednesday, Jun 05, 2024

    NCIC 2024 - Full Video (CPD Hours Plus)

    NCIC 2024 is sold out for in person registration, but we're happy to provide a full video recording of the conference for you to gain information, tips and takeaways! Gain more than 16 CPD hours as you gain knowledge! Register today and you'll have the video in your hand a week after the conference!


  • Add the 2024 Seminar Bundle to your Membership

    Add the 2024 Seminar Bundle to your Membership


  • UPCOMING - Friday, Aug 09, 2024

    Entry to Practice Review Course

    The Review course is open to graduating students from CICC-approved practitioner courses. This intensive 35- to 40-hour course is intended to be a review of immigration legislation. Sessions will include interactive learning, lecture-style presentations, example questions and more!


  • PAST - Thursday, Jun 27, 2024

    Lettres d'équité procédurale (ensemble de séminaires)

    De la compréhension de la loi à la connaissance des éléments déclencheurs de ces lettres, vous obtiendrez des conseils et des stratégies qui vous aideront à répondre à votre prochaine demande d'équité procédurale ! Elle vous donnera le point de vue d'un ancien officier et celui d'un praticien !


  • Advocacy and Consultation Papers

    Experienced CAPIC representatives advocate on behalf of members to senior representatives of provincial and federal government departments related to immigration and citizenship. Visit our Advocacy page for access to letters, submissions, and more.


The Canadian Association of Professional Immigration Consultants (CAPIC) is the professional organization for immigration and citizenship consultants.

We are the voice of immigration consultants and are committed to promoting and protecting the integrity of the profession and the immigration system.

Exclusive Services

Invaluable resources right at your fingertips. Click below to learn more about each service.

Become part of Canada's Association of Professional Immigration Consultants and benefit from...

  • CPD

    Stay updated on policies and regulations


    Be a true stakeholder and influence change


    Know your fellow consultants and expand your network

Become a Capic Member

What's New?

  • May 08: Recap of the AGM — Key Updates

  • Mar 26: The federal government is setting new limits on the number of temporary residents permitted in Canada. We'll hear more from Dory Jade, the CEO of the Canadian Association of Professional Immigration Consultants.

  • Mar 25: CAPIC CEO Dory Jade's interview with CBC morning Show about the new Government plan to reduce Temporary immigration to 5%

  • Jan 09: Volume 270| January 9, 2024 CAPIC Informs

  • Nov 07: CAPIC Informs | Volume 267 | November 7, 2023

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